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Grinders Gryphon Wet Belt Sander (Wbs) no other discounts

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Sale price $395.00 Regular price $491.79

This Gryphon product presents an entirely new category of tool for the glass artist. With the large grinding belt, offering a huge 90 square inches of grinding surface, you can now accurately grind straight lines or true up large curved surfaces quickly and easily. A small platform helps steady your work and tilts for easy beveling. A variety of belts are be available from coarse for fast grinding to ultra smooth for polishing.


  • High Speed DC Motor for fast grinding.
  • Simple construction with few moving parts
  • Direct drive - no belts or pulleys
  • 90 Square inches of grinding surface.
  • Ruggedly constructed of high-impact plastic, aluminum and stainless steel.
  • Convenient water reservoir under the lower wheel uses a standard kitchen sponge to keep the belt wet.
  • Three Belts included

Replacement Belts